Coalition for a Strong Tennessee

Coalition for a Strong Tennessee

Supporting Bipartisan Solutions For Comprehensive
Tennessee Healthcare Coverage

A Million Reasons.

Concerned Tennesseans have a million reasons to support bringing Tennessee tax dollars back home. A family member in need of care. A job. A local hospital on the brink of closing.

A Million Reasons All Point to a Clear Solution:

Bring home our $1.4 billion per year in Tennesseans’ taxes to help the state’s fragile healthcare infrastructure, protect 300,000 uninsured neighbors, put Tennesseans back to work and address health disparities?

Together We Are Stronger!


Let’s Bring Our Taxes Home!

Did you know:

$11+ Billion of Tennessee Taxpayer Dollars

have been sent to other states since 2014
to provide healthcare to their citizens


$3.8 Million Every Day



Nearly 1000+ lives could have been saved

300,000 Hardworking Tennesseans Still live in our communities without coverage


Ask your legislators to pass a Recovery Plan and bring our taxes home for Tennesseans’ healthcare.

Join the Coalition and lend your voice!
